POW/MIA Memorial

The POW/MIA monument dedicated on Utica’s Parkway by the New York State POW/MIA Action Group in 1992.

The POW/MIA monument by Lewis Lee Millett, Jr., dedicated at Riverside National Cemetery in California, in 2005.

Erected by the New York State POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/Missing in Action) Action Group in 1992.  A monument dedicated to all prisoners of war and those missing in action. It bears the inscription “We speak for those who can’t.”

It is similar to the POW/MIA monument created by Vietnam veteran Lewis Lee Millett, Jr., and dedicated at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California, in 2005. It portrays a kneeling American prisoner bound by his captor.

Baron von Steuben
James Schoolcraft Sherman
George Dunham
The Vietnam War Monument
Casimir Pulaski
The Hiker
POW/MIA Memorial
The Central New York War Memorial
Mary S. Hendricks Police and Firefighters Memorial Park
The Swan Memorial Fountain
Thomas R. Proctor
The Eagle
Christopher Columbus
September 11 Memorial